How to Fix PlayStation Wireless Headset Disconnecting Issues

How to Fix PlayStation Wireless Headset Disconnecting Issues

Are you tired of your PlayStation Wireless Headset continually cutting out during crucial gaming moments? Nothing is more frustrating than being in the heat of battle, only to have your audio suddenly disconnect. The Sony Ps5 Wireless Headphone is a fantastic accessory for immersive gaming experiences, but sometimes, it can be plagued by connectivity issues, causing disruptions in your gameplay.

Whether you are playing a multiplayer match or having a single-player adventure, a stable connection is vital. This complete guide aims to address the common issues of wireless connectivity with the PlayStation Wireless Headphones, offering practical solutions and easy fixes for this problem.

We’ll provide you with troubleshooting steps, Bluetooth settings, and practical tips to ensure a seamless Bluetooth headphones experience. Say goodbye to frustrating disconnects and hello to uninterrupted gaming with your beloved PS4 Wireless Headset!”

Why does my PlayStation wireless headset keep disconnecting?

Several factors can contribute to your PS4 wireless headset disconnecting. By understanding the problems that could be causing you can better troubleshoot and resolve the issue.

Possible interference with Wi-Fi signals

One common reason for Bluetooth headphone disconnections is disruption from Wi-Fi signals. The wireless frequencies used by your headset may overlap with Wi-Fi signals, resulting in unstable connections. This can happen when multiple devices are connected to the same Wi-Fi network or when your console is located near other electronic devices that emit Wi-Fi signals.

Low battery causing frequent disconnections

Another possible cause of headset disconnections is a low battery. If your headset’s battery is running low, it may struggle to maintain a stable connection, leading to frequent disconnects. It’s important to ensure that your headset is adequately charged before use.

Potential issues with Bluetooth connectivity

Bluetooth connectivity problems can also contribute to headset disconnections. The Bluetooth signal between your headset and console may be weak or interrupted, resulting in frequent disconnects. This can occur if there are obstacles in between the headset and console, such as walls or other electronic devices.

How do I fix the disconnection issue with my PlayStation wireless headset?

If you’re experiencing frequent disconnections with your PS4 wireless headphones, there are several steps you will take to fix your disconnection problem.

Resetting the headset

One of the first methods to try is resetting your headset. there is a general rule which applies to all of these Bluetooth headphones. Here’s how:

  • Find the power button, which could be situated on the front or side of any ear cup on your headphones.
  • Press the power button.
  • Hold it until it flashes blue and red.

Typically, your Bluetooth headphones will unpair from your device when you perform a factory reset. Following the reset, you must reestablish the pairing to utilize the headphones again.

Software bugs with PS5 headset 

Users of the PS5 headset have reported software bugs that are affecting the performance of the wireless headphones and keep cutting. Some users have complained about connectivity issues, audio dropouts, and other glitches. Sony has acknowledged these issues and has promised to address them through firmware updates. However, some users are still experiencing problems despite the updates. 

To manually update the firmware:

  • First, go to settings and go to system.
  • Now go to System Software and choose System Software Update and Settings
  • Check if there is any update available if yes select Update Using Internet.
  • When the Playstation undergoes a firmware update, any available updates for the headset and controller will also be deployed.
  • After the PS5 updates and restarts. Your all problems should be resolved.

No power to the USB 

Is your PS5 experiencing issues with no power to the USB ports, leading to connectivity problems with your wireless headset? Here are some troubleshooting steps and solutions to rectify this problem:

Check USB Cable & Ports:

Ensure the USB cable connecting the PS5 and the headset is not damaged or frayed. Inspect the USB ports on both the console and the headset to make sure they are clean, free from debris, and undamaged.
Avoid USB Extension:

 Using a USB extension might weaken the power supply to the headset, causing intermittent connectivity issues. Directly plug the USB cable of the headset into the PS5 without using extensions to maintain a stable power connection.

Alternate USB Ports:

 Try plugging the USB cable into different ports on the PS5. Sometimes, one port might have a power issue while others are fully functional.

By following these steps, you can fix and potential issue of no power to the USB of your PS5, allowing for consistent connectivity and preventing the headset from cutting out during use.

Ensuring compatibility with the PS5

If you’re using a Ps5 (PS5) console, it’s important to ensure that your wireless headphones is compatible with the PS5. Not all wireless 2.4 ghz headsets are compatible with the latest console, so check the manufacturer’s website or product documentation for compatibility information. If your headset is not compatible, consider investing in a headset specifically designed for the PS5.

Related: Best wiress headphones for PlayStation 5 under 150

What are some troubleshooting steps if my Ps4 wireless headset keeps disconnecting?

What are some troubleshooting steps if my Ps4 wireless headset keeps disconnecting?

If your Ps4 wireless headphones keep disconnecting even after trying the previously mentioned fixes, there are further steps you can take:

Restarting the console

A simple restart can often resolve connectivity issues. Turn off your console completely, unplug it from the power source, wait for a few moments, and then plug it back in and turn it on again. This can help refresh the console’s connectivity and potentially fix any temporary glitches.

Pairing your headset with the console again

If the disconnections persist, try pairing your headset with the console again. Go to the Bluetooth settings on your PS4 and remove the headset from the list of paired devices. Then, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to put your headset into pairing mode and establish a new connection with the console. This can often establish a more stable connection.

Checking for any USB connectivity issues

USB connectivity issues can often impact the functionality of wireless headphones that rely on USB dongles or charging. To fix these problems, follow these steps:

  • Check USB Ports: Ensure the USB ports on your device (console, computer, charging adapter) are functional. Try plugging another device into the same port to verify if it’s working. Dust and debris can also accumulate inside the ports, so gently clean them using compressed air or a soft brush.
  • Switch Ports: Attempt connecting the USB dongle or charging cable to different USB ports. Sometimes, using a different port can resolve connectivity issues.
  • Try a Different Device: Test the headset on another compatible device to check if the issue is specific to the initial device you were using.

Persistent USB connectivity issues might sometimes indicate a hardware problem. In such cases, professional inspection or replacement might be necessary, particularly if the headset is still under warranty.

Can Wi-Fi interference cause disconnection issues with the PS4 headphones?

Yes, Wi-Fi disruption can contribute to headset disconnection issues. Wi-Fi signals operate on the same frequency range as many Bluetooth headsets, which can cause signal disruption and result in unstable connections. To address this problem, follow the steps below:

Identifying potential Wi-Fi interference sources

Identify any potential sources of Wi-Fi disruption near your PlayStation 4 or headset. This could include other wireless devices, such as routers, wireless speakers, or baby monitors, as well as physical obstacles like walls or furniture that may obstruct the Wi-Fi signal.

Disabling unnecessary Wi-Fi networks or devices

If there are multiple Wi-Fi networks or devices in your vicinity, consider disabling any that are not necessary for your gaming experience. This can reduce the overall Wi-Fi traffic in the area and potentially improve the wireless signal strength for your headset.