Noise Cancelling vs Noise Isolating Headphones: Which Is Better

Noise Cancelling vs Noise Isolating Headphones

We are surrounded by noise all the time in the modern world, whether it be from the hum of appliances at home or the noise of people chatting at the workplace or on our daily commute. This might make it challenging to relax, concentrate on work, or even just listen to music without being distracted. This is when headphones with noise cancellation and isolation come in handy.

active noise cancelling headphones use advanced technology to actively reduce noise, offering a more immersive and peaceful listening experience. They excel at eliminating low-frequency sounds like aeroplane engine noise or traffic rumble. On the other hand, passive noise cancellation physically blocks out external noise through a tight seal or cushioning, providing passive noise reduction. They are more affordable alternative options.

This article will examine the distinctions between ANC headphones and noise isolating headphones, considering the advantages and disadvantages of each. Ultimately, you will gain a better insight into which choice is most suitable for you and be able to make a knowledgeable decision for your audio requirements. Let’s delve into it and determine which option is superior.

Noise Cancelling vs Noise Isolating: What’s the Difference?

There are two types of headphones ANC and noise-isolating headphones may seem similar, but they actually work in very different ways. As mentioned earlier, active noise cancelling uses advanced technology to actively reduce outside noise, while passive noise cancellation physically blocks out external sound.

Active Noise Cancelling (ANC) Headphones:

  • Uses microphones to detect external noise and generate an inverse sound wave to cancel it out
  • Ideal for use in noisy environments like airplane cabins, offices or public transport.
  • Requires a power source (usually rechargeable battery) to operate and reduce noise.
  • More expensive than passive noise isolation headphones.

Passive Noise Isolating Headphones:

  • This headset create tight seal around the ears or using thick cushioning materials.
  • Ideal for use in moderately noisy environments like the gym, library or a quiet office.
  • These headphones don’t need any power source to operate.
  • More affordable than anc headphones.

Pro Tip: When using noise-isolating headphones, make sure to find the right fit for maximum noise reduction. 

Pros and Cons of Noise Cancelling Headphones:


  • Highly effective at cancelling low-frequency external noise.
  • Perfect for air travel or noisy office environments.
  • They are a great choice for studying or working in silence.
  • Some models offer customizable sound control.


  • More expensive choice.
  • These headphones reduce audio quality due to the inverse sound waves being generated.

Pros and Cons of Noise Isolating Headphones:


  • More affordable than ANC headphones.
  • These over-ear headphones tight seal around the ears, providing excellent noise reduction.
  • No decrease in audio quality as no inverse sound waves are generated.
  • Can be used without a power source, making them convenient for long trips.


  • Less effective at reducing low-frequency ambient noise.
  • May be uncomfortable to wear for long periods of time.
  • Not as effective in comparison to a pair of ANC headphones. 

Choosing Between Noise Cancelling and Noise Isolating Headphones

Noise Cancellation headphones

When deciding between noise cancelling headphones and noise isolating headphones, several factors should be considered to make an informed choice that aligns with individual requirements.

Factors to Consider When Selecting Noise Cancelling Headphones

For individuals frequently exposed to loud environments, such as air travelers or commuters, noise cancelling headphones offer an unparalleled listening experience by effectively reducing blocking noise without having to increase the volume.

When to Opt for Noise Isolating Headphones

passive noise cancelling headphones are well-suited for individuals seeking a simpler, more cost-effective solution for blocking out unwanted noise. They are particularly effective in scenarios where continuous low-frequency noises need to be minimized.

What is noise isolating earbuds?

Noise isolating technology can be found in headphones or earphones that employ sound blocking mechanisms like silicone ear tips or memory foam. One additional advantage is that soundproofing also prevents audio from leaking out of your headphones, ensuring that people nearby on the subway can’t hear what you’re listening to.

However, if soundproofing is poorly implemented, your music may be audible to others outside, and unwanted external sounds may find their way in. These audio leaks, to some extent, exist in all headphones. Nevertheless, with higher-quality headphones or earphones, sound leakage is minimized.

It’s important to note that blocking out noise in these earbuds doesn’t require any activation; simply wearing is sufficient. It’s as easy as that.

What is Noise cancelling Earbuds?

Noise cancelling earbuds use a similar technology to ANC headphones – they actively cancel out external noise using microphones and inverse sound waves. These earbuds are perfect for people who want the convenience of portability but still require active noise reduction.

One thing to note is that most noise cancelling earbuds have a smaller battery life compared to ANC headphones, as they are more compact and have limited space for a battery. This means that they may need to be charged more frequently, which can be inconvenient for some users.


There are both pros and cons to using ANC headsets and passive noise cancellation headphones. The decision between the two depends on personal preferences and requirements. ANC headsets are great for people who travel often or work in loud surroundings, while noise isolating headphones are a more affordable option with satisfactory noise reduction. It’s important to consider factors such as budget, comfort, and noise reduction abilities when making a decision. Both types of headphones can improve your listening experience, so choose carefully.


Are Noise Cancelling Headphones Better Than Earplugs?

This depends on personal preference and the environment you will be using them in. Earplugs are generally more affordable and offer decent noise reduction, but they can become uncomfortable when worn for extended periods of time. Noise cancelling headphones, on the other hand, may offer better noise reduction capabilities but come at a higher cost.

Are noise-canceling headphones better for the ears?

Yes, Noise cancelling headphones are better for your ears, as they allow you to listen to music at a lower volume. This is because the external noise is being cancelled out, so you don’t have to turn up the volume of your music to hear it over loud noises.

How long do noise-cancelling headphones last?

The average lifespan of noise cancelling headphones is around 3-5 years, but this can vary depending on usage and care. Regularly cleaning and storing them properly can help prolong their lifespan.

Noise Isolating Headphones Meaning?

Noise isolating headphones use physical barriers to block outside noise, whereas noise cancelling headphones actively cancel out external noises using technology. Noise isolating headphones provide a tight seal around your ear, reducing sound leakage and offering decent noise reduction. So, the meaning of noise isolating headphones refers to their ability to block out external noise through physical barriers.