Tips To Make Over Ear Headphones More Comfortable

Tips To Make Over Ear Headphones More Comfortable

When it comes to over-ear headphones, comfort is key. These types of headphones are designed to fit snugly over the ears and provide a comfortable listening experience, but even the most well-designed headphones may need some adjustments or modifications to make your headphones more comfortable for extended use.

In this guide, we will share some tips and tricks on how you can make your over-ear headset more comfortable, so you can enjoy your music and podcasts without any discomfort or pain.

Enhancing Headphone Comfort: Simple Tips to Try

There are several reasons why your pair of headphones can cause discomfort to your ears. Extended periods of wearing headphones can result in a buildup of heat and sweat, which may lead to discomfort. Additionally, the model of headphones that you are using is too tight and can exert excessive pressure on your ears, contributing to discomfort as well.

Similarly, if headphones are too heavy, they can strain your head and neck, causing discomfort. It is important to consider these factors to enhance your listening experience and minimize any potential discomfort. Here are some simple ways to make your over-ear headphones more comfortable:

1 Step To Maximum Headphone Comfort – Sound Speeds

Adjust the Headband

The headband is a crucial component for a good pair of headphones, as it distributes the weight of the headphones evenly across your head. Adjusting the headband can help reduce any pressure or discomfort on your ears.

Start by loosening the headband until there is minimal pressure on your ears. Then, gradually tighten it until you find a comfortable fit that does not put too much pressure on your head. You may need to adjust the headband periodically to make them more comfortable, especially if you are wearing headphones for extended periods.

Use velour Ear Pads or Cushions

Velour vs Leather Ear-Pads Cushions

Ear pads and foam cushions can significantly improve comfort levels when wearing over-ear headphones. They provide a soft cushion between your ears and the hard plastic of the headphones, reducing any discomfort caused by prolonged use. Furthermore, they can also reduce the amount of heat and sweat buildup on your ears and it makes them more breathable.

You can purchase breathable ear pads or cushions separately and attach them to your headphones, or you may find that some headphones come with interchangeable ear pads that you can switch out for better comfort and sound quality.

Apply heat to the earpads.

There is a way to make your headphones earpads softer and more pliable, you can use heat to loosen them up. Simply grab a hairdryer or a heat gun and warm the earpads for a few seconds. Then, gently massage them to enhance their flexibility and comfort. By doing so, the earpads will easily conform to the shape of your ears and deepen the ear cups, ensuring a more comfortable and enjoyable. Just be sure to use low heat and not overheat the earpads, as it could damage them.

Take Breaks

It is essential to take breaks when wearing comfortable or uncomfortable headphones for extended periods. This allows your ears and head to rest and readjust, preventing any potential discomfort or pain and avoiding sore ears. Try to remove your headphones every hour or so, even if it’s just for a few minutes, to give your ears and head a break.

Adjust the Position of the Headphones

Sometimes, simply adjusting the position of your over-the-ear headphones can make all the difference. If you feel discomfort or ear pain in a specific area of your ear, try moving the headphones slightly to alleviate any pressure on that area. You may also want to try wearing them in a different position, such as slightly higher or lower on the head, to see what makes it more comfortable while listening to music or doing work.

Experiment with Different Headphone Types

Every person’s ears and head shape are unique, so not all headphones will fit the same for everyone. If you find that over-ear headphones are consistently uncomfortable for you, it may be worth experimenting with different types of headphones.

On-ear and in-ear headphones offer alternative options that may fit your ears and head shape better, providing a more comfortable listening experience. It is essential to try out different styles and find the one that works best for you.

Maintain Hygiene for Your Headphones

Lastly, maintaining proper hygiene for your over-ear headphones can help prevent discomfort. Regularly wipe down the earpads and headband with a damp cloth to remove any dirt or sweat buildup that can cause irritation or discomfort. If possible, it is also recommended to replace the foam ear pads when they become worn out, as this can greatly impact the comfort of your Bose headphones.

Enhance Your Headphone Comfort while Wearing Eyeglasses

Enhance Your Headphone Comfort while Wearing Eyeglasses

If you wear a pair of glasses, it can be challenging to find over-ear headphones that provide comfort without causing discomfort to your ears or the sides of your head. Here are some tips on how to enhance your headphone comfort while wearing eyeglasses and improving the comfort:

Look for headphones with padding.

Choose over-ear headphones with ample padding around the ear cups and the headband. This padding will act as a cushion between your glasses and the hard plastic of the headphones, reducing any discomfort.

Wear your glasses over the ear cups.

One simple solution is to wear your glasses on top of your ear cups. By doing so, you create a barrier between your glasses and ears, preventing any rubbing or pressure that may cause discomfort while wearing headphones and glasses together.

Use smaller or slimmer frames.

If your glasses are too bulky, they may cause discomfort when wearing over-ear headphones. Consider using smaller or slimmer frames that will fit comfortably under the ear cups and reduce any potential pressure on your ears or head. And you will be able to use your headphones comfortably.


Comfort is crucial when it comes to enjoying your music or podcasts with over-ear headphones. By following these tips and tricks, you can enhance your headphone comfort and minimize any discomfort or pain caused by prolonged use. Remember to adjust the headband, use ear pads or cushions, take breaks, maintain hygiene, and consider using smaller glasses frames for a more comfortable listening experience. With these simple adjustments, you can enjoy your headphones without any discomfort or pain.


Why Headphones Become Uncomfortable?

There are several reasons why over-ear headphones may become uncomfortable, including the headband being too tight, ear pads not providing enough cushioning, and prolonged use causing heat or sweat buildup on the ears. Additionally, everyone’s ears and head shape are unique, so not all over-ear headphones will fit comfortably for everyone.

Can I Wear Over-Ear Headphones with Glasses?

Yes, it is possible to wear over-ear headphones with glasses. However, some people may experience discomfort or pain due to the pressure of the headphones on their ears or glasses. By following the tips mentioned above, you can enhance your headphone comfort and minimize any discomfort while wearing glasses.

Do headphones get more comfortable over time?

Yes, headphones can become more comfortable over time as the ear pads and headband may break in and conform better to the shape of your head and ears. However, if you experience consistent discomfort or pain, it may be worth trying out different types or styles of headphones to find one that fits comfortably for you.

How can you enhance the comfort of Beats headphones?

To enhance the comfort of Beats headphones, consider adjusting the headband, using ear pads or cushions, taking breaks, maintaining hygiene, and trying different headphone types. Wearing glasses on top of the ear cups can also alleviate discomfort caused by pressure on the ears or sides of the head.

How to make AirPods more comfortable?

To enhance the comfort of your AirPods, try different ear tip sizes and adjust their position. Taking breaks and experimenting with fit is crucial for a secure and comfortable experience tailored to your unique ears. Find your perfect comfort level with these tips!