Turn Your AirPods into Portable Speakers: Trying the Viral Hacks

Turn Your AirPods into Portable Speakers Trying the Viral Hacks

If you’re an Apple AirPods user, chances are you’ve heard of the viral hack that turns your earbuds into portable speakers. The concept is simple: by placing your AirPods in a cup or bowl with the speaker side facing down, the sound is amplified and creates a mini-speaker effect.

But does it work? And what other hacks are out there for turning your AirPods into speakers? We decided to put these viral hacks to the test and share our findings with you.

How Do AirPod Hacks Work?

AirPod hacks are essentially alternative methods to modify and enhance the function of AirPods, such as enhancing music quality or expanding their capabilities. They often involve creative tricks and adjustments to the device, making it possible to go beyond its typical functions, such as turning them into travel-friendly speakers. Various users have shared their experiences and tips through social media platforms and online forums, claiming to successfully transform their AirPods into mini speakers.

Are AirPod Hacks Effective in Turning Them into Speakers? 

Based on our experiments and research, the answer is both yes and no. Some users report that placing their AirPods in a cup or bowl does indeed amplify the volume, but this effect may vary depending on the shape and material of the container used.

While it’s possible to create a makeshift speaker using your AirPods, it may not be the most reliable or high-quality option. However, other hacks can enhance and amplify the volume of your AirPods more effectively

Tips for Transforming AirPods into Portable Speakers

Here are some tips to transform the sound of your Apple AirPods into that of portable speakers. 

The Cup or Bowl Hack

Transform your AirPods or any pair of earbuds into temporary speakers effortlessly. Place the base of a paper cup onto the speakers to increase the surface area and emulate a larger diaphragm. The taut paper of the cup will vibrate with the waves, producing amplified audio for a louder and more immersive sound experience.

To accomplish this task, gather the following materials as seen from the TikTok user video:

  1. Scotch tape
  2. Two Styrofoam cups
  3. Paper clips
  4. Your AirPods

To transform your AirPods into a speaker, follow these steps: 

  • Tape the paper clips to the bottom of each Styrofoam cup. Make sure they are spread apart enough so that the AirPods can fit comfortably inside.
  • Place your AirPods at the bottom of the cup face up and secure them with tape. 
  • Now ensure that you position the makeshift speakers in an upright manner. If they don’t it is still fine, as long as they are facing up.
  • Once everything is in place, test them out by playing music or a podcast on your AirPods. You may need to adjust the volume and position of the cups to get the desired sound quality and volume. 

As mentioned earlier, this hack may can’t produce the same level that you would get from actual wireless Bluetooth speakers, but it’s a fun and easy way to amplify the music of your AirPods Pro in certain situations.

The Pringles Can Hack

Another viral hack to make your AirPods into speakers involves using a Pringles can as a makeshift speaker cone. The curved shape of the can help reflect and amplify sound waves, creating a surprisingly powerful speaker effect.

To try this hack yourself, you will need:

  • A Pringles can
  • A knife or scissors
  • Your AirPods

Here’s how to turn your AirPods into speakers using a Pringles can:

  • Begin by cutting off the bottom of the Pringles can.
  • Carefully make two small holes on opposite sides of the can, big enough for your AirPods to fit through.
  • Insert your AirPods into the holes, with the speakers facing down.
  • Play music on your device and adjust the volume to your liking.
  • Enjoy your mobile speaker made from a Pringles can!

Putting Airpods on opposite sides of the case

Putting Airpods in opposite side of case to usd it as a speaker

Another hack to improve sound quality and bass is by placing your AirPods Pro on the opposite sides of their case. This trick works because it changes the positioning of the speaker, allowing for a more balanced distribution of music waves and resulting in better audio performance.

However, it’s important to note that this hack may not be suitable for all types of music or audio, as the sound may become too muffled or distorted. Experiment with different genres and songs to find what works best for you.

Here is how you can do it:

  1. Take your AirPods out of their case.
  2. Place each AirPod into the opposite slot: Put the left AirPod in the right slot, and then place the right AirPod in the left slot.
  3. Connect your AirPods using the lightning charger, increase the volume to the maximum, and press play. 
  4. Enjoy a new and better audio experience!

Related: Do you keep on forgetting your AirPods case want to find them Click here

How Can I Improve AirPod Sound Quality Using Hacks?

How Can I Improve AirPod Sound Quality Using Hacks

Aside from the above hacks, there are other ways to enhance your AirPod sound performance. Some users recommend using third-party apps or equalizers to adjust the bass and treble levels of your audio, while others suggest cleaning your AirPods regularly to prevent any build-up that can affect the audio.

Another popular hack is using “foam tips” or earbud covers to improve the fit and seal of your AirPods in your ears, resulting in better sound isolation and overall audio quality. These tips can be purchased online or through Apple stores.

Can AirPod Hacks Damage the Quality of the Device? 

Some AirPod hacks, especially those that involve modifications or unconventional placements, may impact device performance. Altering AirPods from their intended design can result in reduced performance or damage. Users should carefully consider the potential consequences and approach these hacks with caution to avoid negative impacts on their AirPods.

What Do Tech Experts Say About the Effectiveness of AirPod Hacks?

Tech experts are advising users to be cautious of potential risks related to AirPod hacks that may affect speaker quality. They emphasize the importance of considering the device’s limitations and intended use. While creative experimentation is encouraged, prioritizing the safety and functionality of the AirPods is essential when exploring alternative methods to enhance audio.


While these viral hacks for turning your AirPods into mobile speakers may not be perfect, they do offer some creative ways to enhance the function of your device. Whether you choose to try the cup or bowl hack, use a Pringles can as a makeshift speaker, or experiment with positioning your AirPods in their case, these hacks showcase the versatility and potential of Apple’s popular earbuds. So go ahead and give them a try – you might just be pleasantly surprised by the results! And who knows, maybe you’ll even come up with your unique hack for transforming your AirPods into speakers.